Holy Spirit, Queen Elizabeth students win scholarships
By Chris Lewis | Vol. 32 No. 41 (Dec. 23, 2019)
Some of the province’s top students were given an early Christmas present recently – news that they are set to receive funding for their post secondary studies under the provincial scholarship program.
Education Minister Brian Warr announced the $202,500 in scholarships for over 200 students who had recently completed their high school careers.
Of the scholarships presented, there were 79 Centenary of Responsible Government Scholarships given out and 120 Electoral District Scholarships, each valued at $1,000. On top of these, there was a $2,500 Junior Jubilee Scholarship, and a $1,000 Constable W.C. Moss Scholarship.
The Electoral District Scholarships are presented to the three high school graduates with the highest public exam marks in each of the electoral districts, while the Centenary of Responsible Government Scholarships are given to those with the highest public exam marks, regardless of electoral district.
There were a number of scholarship recipients from within The Shoreline’s coverage region.
In Conception Bay East – Bell Island district, Kaitlin Stuckless of Mount Pearl Senior High, Noah Davis-Abraham of Holy Heart of Mary Regional High, and Noah Bailey of Prince of Wales Collegiate were awarded Electoral District Scholarships.
Within Conception Bay South district, the recipients included Annika Lindstrom, Hayley Dalton, Anna Crocker-Kennedy, all of Queen Elizabeth High.
Harbour Main District’s winners included Rory Shortall, Jenna Ryan, and Michelle Stride, all of Ascension Collegiate in Bay Roberts.
In Topsail – Paradise District, Holy Spirit High students Jenna James, Laura Cassell and Keegan Warren were awarded scholarships.
Among the Centenary for Responsible Government Scholarship winners are Ian Poole, Jay Martin, Madison Baldwin, Kati Whelan, Eden Corcoran, and Jenna Bradley all from Holy Spirit High, as well as Noah Davis-Abraham, of Holy Heart of Mary High. Noah Dollimount, Kyle Lynch, and Madison Bailey, all of Queen Elizabeth Regional High, also earned the Centenary scholarships.