King crowned as champ at Lions Speak Out
Lion President Ern Morgan, left, along with the Speak Out contestants, Alexandra Ralph, Brianna King, Kiana Laundry and Jefta Merkuratsuk. The annual Conception Bay South Lions Club Senior Speak Out was held at the Lions Den in Long Pond last Wednesday. Brianna King of Queen Elizabeth Regional High School was announced as the winner for her speech entitled, “The capitalization of school shootings.” Alexandra Ralph, also of Queen Elizabeth, earned second place for her ideas on “Child Beauty Pageants.” Kiana Laundry, a Holy Spirit High School student, explored the topic “Rape: We should not be having this conversation,” and Jefta Merkuratsuk, who also attends Holy Spirit High School, shared his ideas on “The power of friendship.” After their respective speeches, the contestants took questions from Kirsten Haynes and Paul Davis, and were judged by Kyle Rees, Kelly Power-Kean and Mackenzie Dove. Entertainment was provided by the Queen Elizabeth Improv Team. The evening concluded with refreshments and a social. Brianna will next compete in the Lions Club Regional Speak Out, on March 24 at the Paradise Double Ice Complex.