Thank you neighbor
Holyrood mayor salutes former CBS mayor for efforts to get Passenger Bill of Rights
The Shoreline | Vol. 31 No. 45 (January 23 2019)
Holyrood Mayor Gary Goobie had high praise last week for a former municipal leader, but it wasn’t someone in his town, but rather the one next door. Goobie took time at the end of Holyrood’s public council meeting to praise the efforts of former Conception Bay South Mayor Woodrow French to obtain a passengers’ bill of rights in the airline industry.
“From time to time, I like to recognize those who go above and beyond by giving unselfishly of themselves to help improve the lives of individuals in our society,” said Mayor Goobie.
Last month, the mayor noted, federal Transport Minister Marc Garneau proposed five major improvements to be made in the airline industry, including clearer rules concerning fares compensation and better treatment of passengers affected by cancellations and disruptions Among the coming rules, Goobie noted is one that will require air carriers to rebook passengers on a competitor’s airline if they can’t accommodate them itself after 9 hours. Another rule will prohibit the removal of an individual who’s already sitting in a seat when an overbooking situation arises. “They cannot be involuntarily removed unless there’s a safety or security concern,” said the mayor.
Goobie credited French with having had an impact in his lobbying for a passengers’ bill of rights.
“Mr. French has been actively engaged in this process and has even made a submission to the Canadian Transportation Agency in Halifax, doing so on his own time and his own dime,” said Goobie. “His tireless efforts clearly have not gone unnoticed and has made a positive impact in promoting improvements to the airline industry, ultimately helping to make airline travel more of a pleasant and stress-free experience. On behalf of the travelling public here in Holyrood, I think it’s fitting and appropriate to publicly acknowledge and thank Mr. French for his efforts and accomplishment in this initiative.”