Letter to the Editor: More than a few questions about automated trash system
Looking out for town employees is a good thing.
Saving a couple of hundred thousand dollars a year is even better.
Reduced tipping fees paid to St. John’s, great.
Less time spent collecting might mean a reduced work week for said employee.
Some insight as to where these thousands of dollars are going?
Adding an additional 20 bucks to tax bill per year for bin, not great. Which will make for a very expensive bin.
Missing information that was supposed to be supplied with bin? ‘Sorry forgot.’ Finding info on town website, not easy and hard to get, extremely slow.
How can a home owner retrieve bin when empty if they are at work? What happens when owner returns home and bin is not there? Is there going to be online tracking like for the snowplough’s, since these bins are chipped? Are these questions answered in the missing info? When questioned a town employee could not answer.
Scott Davis, Kelligrews